Síndrome de Rapunzel con perforación intestinal en gestante


  • Gustavo Quispe Quispe Hospital III Yanahura – ESSALUD
  • Larry Guitton Manrique Hospital III Yanahura – ESSALUD
  • Hernán Barreda Tamayo3 Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital III Yanahuara. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín – Arequipa
  • Juan Lino Calderón Pérez Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital III Yanahuara. Universidad Católica de Santa María – Arequipa


Trichobezoar, intestinal perforation, rapunzel syndrome, gestation


Rapunzel syndrome is a rare entity, more so in pregnant women that is complicated by an intestinal perforation. We report the case of a 30-year-old patient, 29 weeks of gestational age, with past medical history of chronic anemia and malnutrition, admitted for an acute abdominal condition and abdominal focus sepsis. Surgical exploration reveals multiple intestinal perforations due to trichobezoar which are approached surgically by performing resection and intestinal anastomosis, keeping the fetus alive. Days later acute fetal distress, septic shock and anastomosis dehiscence are evidenced , and later the patient dies. Given the background, pregnancy status and underlying pathology, the importance of clinical evaluation, auxiliary tests, multidisciplinary management and therapeutic decision for the management of this disease, which in our case has a fatal outcome, is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Quispe Quispe G, Guitton Manrique L, Barreda Tamayo3 H, Calderón Pérez JL. Síndrome de Rapunzel con perforación intestinal en gestante. Cirujano [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];19(1):13-8. Available from: https://revistascgp.org/index.php/cirujano/article/view/10



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