Prevalencia y costo benefi cio de la Hernioplastia Inguinal en el Hospital de Apoyo María Auxiliadora


  • Edgar Montoya M. Hospital de Apoyo María Auxiliadora


Inguinal hernias, costs, complications


In the twenty-fi rst century inguinal hernia remains a challenge that combines deep knowledge of anatomy, surgical skill and experience to achieve minimal morbidity and low recurrence rates. We performed a descriptive, comparative and cross aimed to analyze the prevalence and cost benefi t ratio when used pre surgical techniques peritoneal vs Liechtenstein. Method. From January 2000 to December 2009, 841 patients underwent surgery 15 to 65 years diagnosed with hernia inguinocrural. Results. The prevalence in the 10 years was 9.9%. Hernioplasty was more on the art of Liechtenstein 408 patients and 229 patients pre peritoneal. The operating time was shorter (less than 1 hour) with the pre peritoneal technique. Conclusions. Liechtenstein technique is used more frequently. As for the technical costs of Liechtenstein were lower relative to preperitoneal. Inguinal hernia predominated in males relative to females, is associated with hypertension, TB, HPB. Hospital stay, recurrence and complications, and the results are almost similar.


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How to Cite

Montoya M. E. Prevalencia y costo benefi cio de la Hernioplastia Inguinal en el Hospital de Apoyo María Auxiliadora. Cirujano [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];13(1):23-32. Available from:



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