Obstrucción intestinal precoz en pacientes post operados de bypass gástrico laparoscópico


  • Raúl Guillermo Layme Arias Centro Laparoscópico Dr. Layme. Arequipa - Perú
  • Rubén Toribio Díaz Salas Centro Laparoscópico Dr. Layme. Arequipa - Perú
  • Javier Rolando Fernández Fernández Centro Laparoscópico Dr. Layme. Arequipa - Perú
  • Juan Carlos Vargas Ponce Centro Laparoscópico Dr. Layme. Arequipa - Perú


intestinal obstruction, adhesions, gastric bypass


Intestinal obstruction is recognized as a complication associated with laparoscopic gastric bypass. This study aims to report the prevalence of early intestinal obstruction, to evaluate the clinical presentation and to describe the management by means of a descriptive, retrospective study of two patients who developed early intestinal obstruction after laparoscopic gastric bypass, in addition to analyzing the surgical technique used in the Dr. Layme Laparoscopic Center, Arequipa - Peru. During the period from December 2015 to January 2019, 338 laparoscopic gastric bypass surgeries were performed, two patients were readmitted within the first month after surgery presenting abdominal pain and… tachycardia. Early intestinal obstruction due to adhesion was diagnosed and they underwent reexploration followed by a good recovery and discharge. thus, decreasing the prevalence of early intestinal obstruction in patients who undergo laparoscopic gastric bypass.


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How to Cite

Layme Arias RG, Díaz Salas RT, Fernández Fernández JR, Vargas Ponce JC. Obstrucción intestinal precoz en pacientes post operados de bypass gástrico laparoscópico. Cirujano [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];18(1):34-8. Available from: https://revistascgp.org/index.php/cirujano/article/view/29



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