Sindrome de Rapunzel


  • Yatsen A Lock Vargas Red Desconcentrada Sabogal
  • Boris M. Saravia Santana Red Desconcentrada Sabogal
  • Hoshe L. Joo Fernández Red Desconcentrada Sabogal
  • Daniel A. Valencia Avalo Hospital II Lima Norte Callao “Luis Negreiros Vega”
  • Juan A. García Quiñones Hospital Belén de Trujillo


Rapunzel syndrome, trichobezoar, intestinal obstruction, trichophagia


Rapunzel syndrome is a fairly unusual cause of intestinal obstruction. We report the case of a 36-yearold woman with symptoms of diffuse abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, early satiety and weight loss in the last 3 months. Clinical examination reveals a pale, malnourished woman with a mobile abdominal mass of hard consistency, painful to palpation, which occupies epigastrium and mesogastrium. A computerized abdominal tomography showed a heterogeneous mass occupying the whole cavity of the stomach with extension to the second portion of the duodenum. A diagnosis of giant trichobezoar is suspected after further interrogation that reveals trichophagia, emotional disorders and depressive episodes. Exploratory laparotomy was decided.
Antral gastrotomy was performed and a trichobezoar
of 40x15x7 cm was extracted. The patient had an
uneventful postoperative recovery, being discharged
on the fifth day.


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How to Cite

Lock Vargas YA, Saravia Santana BM, Joo Fernández HL, Valencia Avalo DA, García Quiñones JA. Sindrome de Rapunzel. Cirujano [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];16(1):40-3. Available from:



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