Tricobezoar Gástrico por Abordaje Mínimamente Invasivo


  • Astrid B. Alvarado-Vidal Hospital Central de la Policía Nacional del Perú Luis N. Sáenz
  • Luis F. Lizárraga-Silva Hospital Central de la Policía Nacional del Perú Luis N. Sáenz


Bezoars, abdominal mass, gastric obstruction, computed tomography, laparoscopy


Introduction: Trichobezoar is a mass of undigested hair that is frequently found in the gastric chamber, but can be located throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical case: We present the case of an adolescent who had a 3-day illness characterized by constant colicky abdominal pain of moderate intensity in the epigastrium, nausea and vomiting of gastric alimentary content on 6 occasions. On examination, a mass was palpated in the epigastrium. A CT scan revealed a hypodense and heterogeneous image that occupied the entire stomach, compatible with a foreign body. An exploratory laparoscopy is performed where the gastric trichobezoar is evidenced. Discussion: Early diagnosis and treatment of gastric trichobezoar are key to avoid possible serious complications. The minimally invasive approach is a therapeutic option that allows rapid discharge of the patient without complications, and a multidisciplinary approach using psychiatric services is important to manage the underlying disease.


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How to Cite

Alvarado-Vidal AB, Lizárraga-Silva LF. Tricobezoar Gástrico por Abordaje Mínimamente Invasivo. Cirujano [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];19(1):8-11. Available from:



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