Factores pronósticos en el síndrome de intestino corto asociado a falla intestinal


  • Eduardo Huamán Egoávil Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen
  • Sergio Zegarra Cavani Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen


Intestinal failure, prognostic factors, short bowel


Currently intestinal failure is considered as the reduction of functional intestine that prevents adequate digestion and absorption of essential nutrients to maintain normal functioning of the organism. In this investigation an evaluation of prognostic factors of this condition is made in light of the studies carried out at the Intestinal Failure Unit (UFI) of the Department of General Surgery of Guillermo Almenara Hospital in Lima. In this way we concluded that favorable prognostic factors in Short Bowel Syndrome associated to Intestinal Failure described and identified by the studies carried out in the UFI. Are absence of intestinal disease, early age, greater residual intestinal length, type III short bowel syndrome, enteral access and early enteral nutrition, preservation of the ileo-cecal valve and autologous reconstructive surgery of the gastrointestinal tract.


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How to Cite

Huamán Egoávil E, Zegarra Cavani S. Factores pronósticos en el síndrome de intestino corto asociado a falla intestinal. Cirujano [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];16(1):8-14. Available from: https://revistascgp.org/index.php/cirujano/article/view/42



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